Sunday, November 27, 2016


Without Sunday's I'm pretty sure I would have no peace of mind throughout my week. No matter what the topic the speakers are given there is always a personal message that I am needing to hear.

Lately, I have been asking a lot about what my next steps in life should be. I've been seeking guidance or confirmation that I am making decisions that are going to benefit me and the plan my Father in Heaven has for me. It's very hard for me to make decisions, and I don't ever make them lightly. I stress out about the littlest things for weeks and make myself sick over things. I've been very emotional lately about the direction my life is headed and how my decisions affect my goals and aspirations that I have set for myself.

Today in church the opening hymn was "I Believe in Christ"; a hymn I've probably sung 100 times or more. But today, as I was singing it I was really paying attention to the words instead of just singing. The fourth verse hit me today. The fourth verse says:
"I believe in Christ, he stands supreme! From Him I'll gain my fondest dream, and while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard: "Ye shall obtain". I believe in Christ. So come what may. With him I'll stand in that great day. When on this earth he comes again, to rule among the sons of men".

The first 10 minutes of church and my Father in Heaven let me know that he hears my prayers. He knows the struggles I am going through. He knows that I am having trouble making important decisions. I know that from Him and through Him I am able to accomplish the huge goals I have set for myself. "Ye shall obtain". Three words that had me crying in sacrament today. I will get there. Maybe not right now and not without troubles, but I will obtain. My Father in Heaven and Savior have made that promise to me. He will not forsake me. And because I believe in Christ; come what may. There are going to be things I can not control. Days I am going to be so stressed I cry. Weeks where things may not be going exactly to plan. I do not have to worry because I believe in Christ and I believe in my Fathers plan for me.

When I stopped trying to make my own plan work for me, and I started to follow the plan the Savior and my heavenly father have for me my life changed. Through Christ all things are possible. By staying close to our Father in heaven and our Savior, by remaining worthy and doing the things we are asked to do, we will receive the righteous desires of our hearts. When we listen to the Holy Ghost and his promptings we will be able to receive the constant reminders that our Heavenly Father and Jesus know who we are. Today I wrote down "Let our Father in heaven guide you to do the work he needs you to do". They know us individually, I will get where I need to be.

A close friend once gave me this quote "It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers." Such an amazing promise, that gives me so much peace of mind. This Sunday I received the guidance that I have been seeking. He knows exactly who I am. I can not say this enough. Our Heavenly Father and Jesus know who we are, they know our hearts.